
My first ever DooM WAD (Where's All the Data?) with a single level, a custom texture and custom music. This project took over 5 months to create due to unforseen issues such as doors not working properly, texture issues etc.

This WAD requires a copy of DooM II or FreeDooM: Phase 2 to play as well as a copy of your favourite limit removing port such as GZDooM, Zandronum, Q_Zandronum etc.

A standalone version is provided that contains FreeDooM: Phase 2 and an unmodified copy of GZDooM. Please be aware that the Mac and Linux versions are untested. I may have the files set up incorrectly and there may be unforseen issues. If this occurs, Simply either run the Windows version through WINE or download the WAD and manually set up GZDooM